About This Blog

Welcome to my blog! Glad you found my little corner from the web. 

My name is Jeff, and I am the writer and editor behind this little blog. 

My blog focuses on my interests in outdoor adventures, healthy living, and unfrequented travel. I hope to inspire you to get outdoors and venture new paths. 

I started this site because I wanted to document my experiences so that I could look back on some of the memories I created.

Top 3 things on my bucket list now: Some more travel, spending more time outdoors, and learning more about photography.

I’ve had a lot of quality time with my children, and I still do. But now as they have grown up, I have more time for outdoors, hiking and photography.

I am fascinated by the history, culture, food, and people.

I also hope that by sharing my encounters, you will find the information you need to prepare your hiking and photography adventures.

Hopefully, I can be a source of motivation for those who go on more adventures and start taking care of their health. I write about healthy living, photography, and more. This blog is my training platform for my writing and photography.


Some blog posts may contain affiliate links. It means that I will receive a small commission if you purchase something through a specific link on this site, at no additional cost to you. 

Terms of Use

All content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only. Use of this information is of your own free will and at your own risk. 

The accuracy of information found on this site cannot be guaranteed 100% at any given time. I will not be held liable for any losses, injuries, or damages resulting from the use of this information.

Reserve Rights

This site reserves the right to edit or delete any comments submitted to this blog without notice due to: spam content, hateful/disrespectful/offensive speech, and the use of profanities.

As stated in my blog introduction, the top 3 things on my bucket list are: Spending more time outdoors, more travel, and learning more about photography.

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